Page:Rolland - Beethoven, tr. Hull, 1927.pdf/148

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It is lashed on to the Allegro by some powerful violin scales.

\relative c {
\time 2/2
 \new PianoStaff <<
  \new Staff {
   \key bes \major
   \clef "treble"
  <ees'' a c>4^"Allego vivace." r4 r4 f16( g a bes) |
  <c, a' c>4 r4 r4 f16( g a bes) |
  <c, a' c>4 r8 a'16 (bes16) <c, c'>4  r8 a'16( bes) |
  <c, c'>4
  \new Staff {
   \clef "bass" 
   \key bes \major
   f,,,4 r4 r2 |
   <f a ees' f>4 r4 r2 |
   <f a ees' f>4 r4  <f a ees' f>4 r4 |
   <f a ees' f>4

The flute, oboe and bassoon converse sportively over the second subject. A strange sequential passage in unison upon the strings in three-bar phrases following a happy little canon on the wood-wind instruments and some powerful syncopations lead in to the development. An atmosphere of humour and good feeling permeates the movement.

The lovely melody which forms the chief theme of the Adagio is given to the violins. It is accompanied by a strong persistent rhythmic figure, which is transferred later on to the drums with great effect. The wood-wind work and the horn passages are exquisite.

The third movement Allegro vivace is full of fun, lively syncopations and duple time effects giving it more of the nature of a Scherzo.

\relative c {
\partial 4
\time 3/4
 \new PianoStaff <<
  \new Staff {
   \key bes \major
   \clef "treble"
   f'4(^"Allego vivace."_\markup { \dynamic ff } |
   <bes, d  bes'>8) r8 <d f>4( d'8) r8 |
   <f, bes>4( f'8) r8 d4 |
   << {f4( ees4) c4} \\ {<f, a>2 <f a>4} >> |
   <ees f a>4
  \new Staff {
   \key bes \major
   \clef "bass"
   <f,,, f'>( |
   <bes bes'>8) r8 <bes' d f bes>2 |
   <bes d f bes>2 <bes f' bes>4 |
   f4( a4) c4-. |
   <f c'>4