Page:Rolland Life of Tolstoy.djvu/258

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Posdnicheff, 177, 182
Power of Darkness, The, 165, 170-3
Prashkhoukhine, death of, 54

Reason (letter upon), 121
Reason, Tolstoy’s distrust of, 108; 120-121
Tolstoy’s vague agnosticism as a youth, 24
Revival of, in the Caucasus, 33-9; 100, 123-4, 135, 209, 215-16
Rembrandt, 151
Resurrection, 166, 187-195, 224, 247
Revolution, Tolstoy prophesies, 209-10
Roumania, Tolstoy joins Army of, 49
Rousseau, J. J., worship of, 27; 240-3
Rules of Life, 25
Russian Proprietor, A, 27
Written in the Caucasus, 35; 42
Russo-Japanese War, 201

St. Petersburg, Tolstoy’s dislike of literary society of, 61, 67
Samara, 102
Schopenhauer, 101 (note)
Science, Tolstoy attacks, 145
Sebastopol in December, 1854, 52
Sebastopol in May, 1855, 52-6
Sebastopol in August, 1855, 52, 54-7
Sebastopol, the siege of, 49-57
Sexual morality, 177
Shakespeare, 166
Shakespeare, no artist, 152-3, 155-6
Siegfried, hasty judgment on, 152
“Smartness,” Tolstoy’s worship of, 27
Socialism, Tolstoy’s hatred of, 205-8
Society, pictures of Russian, 103
Sophia Bers, see Countess Tolstoy
Sovremennik, the (Russian review), 40
Spelling-book, Tolstoy’s, 135
State, the, a murderous entity, 130
Stepan Arcadievitch, 105
Sterne, influence of, 41
Story-teller, a blind, 19
Strauss, 151
Stuck, 151
Suarès, 6, 61
Suicidal tendencies, 107, 111, 113

Tatiana, Tolstoy’s aunt, 17
Tchaikowsky, 151
Terror, attack of nervous, 100
Three Deaths, 68
Three Old Men, 168
Tolstoy, Countess, 75, 83, 84, 100, 135-8, 226-7, 229-231