Page:Roman Constitutional History, 753-44 B.C..djvu/308

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.tzibiuies 294 war tiibunes (continued), suspended, 51 ; reestablished, 55-56 ; succession of, 56 ; attend the senate, 56; Jorisdiction, 56; obtain Jus cum patribus agendi, 64; powers and influence, 90; dependence of, 90- 91; religions yeto, 141; chief legitiators, 156; reeligible, 166; in- tercession, in certain cases pro- hibited, 172 ; ignored, 184 ; violated, 189; their bills to be sanctioned by the senate, 195; intercession disregarded, 196; claim to seat in the senate, 137, 201 ; Sulla's degra- dation of, 202; loss of Jurisdic- tion, 201, 206; eligibility to office restored, 215; powers restored, 216; intercession restricted, 218; tzibonea (continued), intercession ignored and inyiola- bility infringed, 233, </. 236-287 260-261; opposition of two, to Caesar, 271. tzibuni aexaxii, 216, 246, 279. tzibus, 5 ; see District, tzibutum, 16, 41, 63, 155. tzinnndinum, 185. Tuscnlum, incorporated, 95. war, the declaration of, 12, 14, 16; the first Punic, difficulties of, 106- 107; conduct of, 107, 108; losses in, and moral effects of, 108-109; polit- ical results of, 109; second Punic, consequences of, 128-131; results outside Italy, 131.