Page:Roman Manchester (1900) by Charles Roeder.djvu/105

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and Richborough. Pillar moulding, Mr. Apsley Pellatt remarks, is the greatest modern improvement in glass making, and was supposed to be a modern invention; he cites these specimens to show that it is really a revival of a lost ancient art.

(2) A stamped devise on the bottom of a large vessel, green coloured, thickness ¼ inch.

(3) Fragment of a rim of a large urn-like vessel of circular form, also used as a cinerary urn, ¼ inch thick, green.

(4) Various pieces of thin white and greenish window glass, 116 inch to ⅛ inch thick.

(5) Broken neck of a bottle, twisted and melted by the action of fire, and covered with an oxydised white coat in and outside.

(6) A green oval flat-bottomed bead, ⅝ inch long, 3½ inches in diameter.

(7) Round green bead, 316 inch in diameter, probably set in a fibula or other ornament as a decoration, the oxydised particles of the bronze (turned blue green like malachite) still adhering to it when found.

(8) A circular white stone bead, top flattened in the centre, ⅝ inch in diameter.


(1) Large pieces of sheet lead from the Botontinus, Gaythorn.

(2) Leaden nail, head ⅞ inch long and squarish, stem quadrangular, still ⅞ inch long (broken). The antefix of terra cotta, used in architecture to cover the frieze, was in many cases fastened to the same with leaden nails; from Bridgewater Street.

(3) Large leaden nail, 4 inches long, without head, Bridgewater Street, and various lumps of lead.

(4) Leaden seal (impression oxydised away).