Page:Romance of the Rose (Ellis), volume 1.pdf/30

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prayer that he may be permitted to kiss it, greatly fearing what Chastity may say thereto. Then Venus appears, and, reproaching Fair-Welcome for his hard-heartedness, desires that at least he will permit the Lover to kiss the Rose.

Cap. XXIX.
F. 3597-3662.
C. 3753-3826.

Overcome by the perfume of the torch borne by Venus, Fair-Welcome accords the longed-for boon. But he is straightway set upon by Shame and Evil-Tongue, the latter of whom awakes Jealousy, who, leaping to her feet, rates Fair-Welcome roundly.

Cap. XXX.
F. 3663-3800.
C. 3827-3998.

Jealousy continues her attack upon Fair­-Welcome, and a colloquy ensues between her and Shame. Lastly, Fear intervenes, and pro­poses to Shame that they shall, in company, seek out Danger and reproach him for the negligence he has displayed in keeping guard over the Rose.

Cap. XXXI.
F. 3801-3932.
C. 3999-4144.

They accordingly proceed together to the haunt of Danger, and successively express to him their surprise and displeasure that he had not better understood his duty. Danger rouses him­self from his lair, brandishes his club, and vows vengeance against all who shall in future dare to invade the precincts of which he is the guardian.

F. 3933-42022.
C. 4145-4432.

Jealousy builds a high tower, with intent to confine Fair-Welcome as a prisoner therein. The form and fashion of the tower, and the