Page:Romance of the Rose (Ellis), volume 2.pdf/148

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Give me your counsel then, and say
which points were it best to lay11160
The siege, that we may quickly crown
Our work, and beat the stronghold down.

The Author.

Thus spake the God of Love; right well
The lords approved his words, and fell
Straightway to counsel and debate,
With reasoning most elaborate,
And many a diverse word is said
Ere yet the arguments are sped,
And all their discords they accord;
Then bending low before their lord,11170

The Barons.

Richesse despises love Sire, they exclaimed, we all agree
Your faithful servitors to be,
Save Richesse, who thereto is loth,
And sweareth by a solemn oath
That ne’er will she attack the fort
In any manner, way, or sort,
With engine, axe, winged dart or sword,
Or other arm of thrust and ward.
But saith that all your emprise she
Scorns and despises utterly.11180
Therefore in dudgeon is she gone
From out the host till this be done,
So much doth she the Lover hate:
Declaring he nor rathe nor late
Hath loved her, but her treasured gold
Despiseth, and but cheap doth hold.