Page:Romance of the Rose (Ellis), volume 2.pdf/210

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But reached his passion that degree?
Nay! nay! Then clear it seems that he,
Nor yet Fair-Welcome (whom you’ve wrought
Most cruelly against) e’er sought
To snatch the Rose; but had they tried
Lightly the twain had you defied.

Evil-Tongue’s deserts And wot you well that if this youth
(Who smarts beneath your slanderous tooth)12990
Within his heart desire did feel
The Rosebud which you guard to steal,
He scarce had vaunted you his friend,
But rather would his labour spend
Your stronghold to reduce to dust;
For were your accusation just,
And he thereof the news had learned,
His indignation had you earned.
Nor thereof could there be much doubt,
Seeing that foretimes in and out13000
He went, where now by stern and hard
Denial is his ingress barred.
O man of cruel speech, right well
Do you deserve the fires of hell,
Since thus your spite doth one pursue
Who ne’er wrought harm or ill to you.

The Author.

False-Seeming thus vile Evil-Tongue
Reproved, who owned him in the wrong;
So straight the case against him went
That soon he vowed him penitent,13010
And said: