Page:Romance of the Rose (Ellis), volume 2.pdf/74

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Is there someland that he and you
Sould share, and hence this fine ado?
You sit and list his fluting tales
With heads close set till daylight fails;8950
My blood nigh boils with rage to see
You carry on so shamelessly.

The wife threatened I swear ’fore God, who lieth never,
That either you your friendship sever
With him, or else from forth my door
You go with face of blackamoor,
For, help me God, unless you chase
From out your heart all track and trace
Of this loose love, your features I
Will beat and batter till you cry8960
For mercy, and agree to drop
That cackle I’m resolved to stop.
Alone, you ne’er the public way
Shall tread, but serve me night and day
At home, made sure with iron-chained hands.
Think you a woman e’er commands
Her husband’s love who gads about
With dangling men, week in, week out?
And if they follow you, ’tis plain
That you encourage them amain,8970
For they’d not dare to make pretence
Of love, but for your impudence.
The devil’s prompting ’twas that made
Me marry such a wanton jade.

Ha! would I’d Theophrastus read
Ere, like a fool, I thrust my head
In wedlock’s noose: No man, saith he,
Who’s blest with fair sagacity