Page:Romola (London 1863) v3.djvu/188

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with more timidity than respect, shrank to make a passage for Messer Dolfo Spini.

"Infideles convertentur ad Christum," Tito went on. "That is, the infidels shall he converted to Christ."

"Those are the Turks and the Moors. Well, I've nothing to say against that," said the shopkeeper, dispassionately.

"Hæc autem omnia erunt temporibus nostris—and all these things shall happen in our times."

"Why, what use would they be, else?" said Goro.

"Excommunicatio nuper lata contra Reverendum Patrem nostrum Fratrem Hieronymum nulla est—the excommunication lately pronounced against our reverend father, Fra Girolamo, is null. Non observantes eam non peccant—those who disregard it are not committing a sin."

"I shall know better what to say to that when we have had the Trial by Fire," said the shopkeeper.

"Which doubtless will clear up everything," said Tito. "That is all the Latin—all the conclusions that are to be proved true or false by the trial. The rest you can perceive is simply a proclamation of the Signoria in good Tuscan, calling on such as are eager to walk through the fire, to come to the Palazzo and subscribe their names. Can I serve you further? If not——"

Tito, as he turned away, raised his cap and bent