Page:Rose 1810 Observations respecting the public expenditure and the influence of the Crown.djvu/10

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novelty, of many articles of public expence to which important and critical periods give riſe; in addition to which there is alſo an energy in newly eſtabliſhed inſtitutions for reſtraint or inveſtigation beyond the cuſtomary routine of official ſuperviſion. In the ſuperintendance of great and widely extended concerns, no vigilance of department can at all times guard againſr poſſible abuſes; frauds, or culpable negligence, will occaſionally eſcape the detection of ordinary management, notwithſtanding the utmoſt circumſpection of vigilant officers. The beſt chance of diſcovering ſuch particular abuſes, or of ſuggeſting general improvements in future, will be found in ſpecial enquiries from time to time: their inſtitution is one of the legacies our lamented ſtateſman has left us, not more creditable to his memory than uſeful to his country. This pointed exerciſe of enquiry is now become ſo much a political habit in this country, that we may Venture to truſt no future adminiſtration will diſcountenance it, nor any future generation allow it to go into diſuſe.

The precedents and practice of ſuch uſeful en-quiries, like the precedents and practice of all other great public inſtitutions, it is extremely important
