Page:Rose 1810 Observations respecting the public expenditure and the influence of the Crown.djvu/27

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The Board of Control for the Affairs of Indian as at preſent conſtituted, was eſtablifhed in 1793[1], Gonfifting (exclufive of a number of members without faiaries) of three Commiffioners and a Secretary, at the expence to the Eaſt India Company of 6,500l. And about the fame time a committee of the Lords of the Privy Council, with a Preſident and Vice Preſident, was appointed to tranſact the buſineſs which had been formerly executed by the Board of Trade: but the members compoſing it, holding other offices of profit, have no ſalaries for their duty. The only expence, therefore, attending the eſtabliſhment to be taken into this eſtimate is 500l. a year each to two clerks of the Privy Council, who attend as ſecretaries, making an annual charge of 1000l.

The only remaining branch to be added to the increaſe of Eſtabliſhments is that of the Barracks; and it is become a heavy one. What the difference of expence is between the maintenance of troops in quarters and barracks is extremely difficult to

  1. By 33 Geo, III c. 52, c 3