Page:Rose 1810 Observations respecting the public expenditure and the influence of the Crown.djvu/48

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( 42 )

In 1756 there were 74
In   1762 there were  79
In  1769 there were  89
In  1775 there were  78
In  1781 there were  65

If, therefore, 15 contractors, the number ſtated to parliament in 1781, are added to the ſmalleſt number of perſons holding employments between 1739 and 1782, it will be ſeen that the perſons now in office, in the Houſe of Commons, are exactly equal to the half of the loweſt number, at any time within that period.

Thoſe, however, who complain of a prevailing influence in the Houſe of Commons, do not confine their objections to civil employments, but reſort to the great numbers of naval and military officers, who, from the great increaſe of the navy and army, have feats in that houſe. Let us, therefore, make a ſmiilar examination reſpecting members in that claſs.

  In the
  Army. Navy. Total.
There are now Members, not holding civil employments 44 19 63
In 1748[1] 47 11 18

  1. In 1739, the officers who were members are not noticed in the Court Kalendar.