Page:Rose 1810 Observations respecting the public expenditure and the influence of the Crown.djvu/59

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taonal taxes, to the amount of very near 44,000,000l. are collected by an addition of 934 officers, almoſt the whole of whom are in the inferior claſſes; and that, while the revenue has been augmented in a ſixfold proportion, the officers employed in the management and collection of it have been increaſed only one- tenth in number. But if the cuſtoms are with- drawn from the account, as they ſhould be in form- ing a compariſon of this fort, becauſe a very large proportion of the officers in that department have been added to afford accommodation to the trade of the country, rendered indiſpenſably neceſſary by the immenſe increaſe of it[1], the compariſon would then ſtand thus:

  Amount of Revenue. No. of Officers.
Increaſe, excluſive of Cuſtoms, within the period £ 38,407,000 67

It ſhould be obſerved alſo that, in the department of the Aſſeſſed Taxes, the additional officers have been appointed as well for the improvement of the old duties, as for the collection of the new, Hitherto we have conſidered the effect of the new taxes with reference only to influence; let us now

  1. The exports of Britiſh manufactures, in the firſt three quarters of 1809, are more than twice the value of thoſe of the whole year in 1793, the firſt year of the laſt war.