Page:Rose in Bloom (Alcott).djvu/270

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Matters were in this state, when one day a note came to Rose from Mrs. Clara.

"My sweet Child,—Do take pity on my poor boy, and cheer him up with a sight of you; for he is so triste it breaks my heart to see him. He has a new plan in his head, which strikes me as an excellent one, if you will only favor it. Let him come and take you for a drive this fine afternoon, and talk things over. It will do him a world of good and deeply oblige

"Your ever loving "Aunt Clara."

"Aunt Clara."

Rose read the note twice, and stood a moment pondering, with her eyes absently fixed on the little bay before her window. The sight of several black figures moving briskly to and fro across its frozen surface seemed to suggest a mode of escape from the drive she dreaded in more ways than one. "That will be safer and pleasanter," she said, and going to her desk wrote her answer.

"Dear Aunty,—I'm afraid of Brutus; but, if Charlie will go skating with me, I should enjoy it very much, and it would do us both good. I can listen to the new plan with an undivided mind there; so give him my love, please, and say I shall expect him at three.

"Affectionately, "Rose."
