Page:Rothschild Extinct Birds.djvu/261

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Aepyornis cursor Milne-Edwards & Grandidier, C.R. CXVIII, p. 124 (1894).

Original description as follows: Ae. cursor is almost as large as Ae. grandidieri = maximus auct., nec. Geoffroy, but is more slender.

Length of tarso-metatarsus 380 mm.
Width at proximal end 140 "
Width at distal end 120 "
Circumference of shaft 155 "
Width of shaft 65 "

Habitat: Madagascar.


Aepyornis medius Milne-Edwards & Grandidier, Ann. Sci. Nat. ser. V, vol. XII, p. 179 (1869).
Aepyornis medius Milne-Edwards & Grandidier, Rech. Faune. Orn. Et. Masc. & Mad. (1866-73), p. 97, note 2.

This form was founded on a femur found at Amboulitsate in W. Madagascar, and is described as follows: "It presents the same general characters, and evidently belongs to an Aepyornis, but to a different species, which we will call Aepyornis medius. The femur in question is not only distinguished by its lesser proportions but by the narrower external face of the bone; which variation results in causing the whole area between the trochanter and the base of the femoral neck to be much less depressed. The intermuscular line, which marks the insertion surface of the deep portion of the femoral triceps muscle, is hardly indicated, whereas it is very pronounced in the larger femur. The posterior side is also more rounded, and the distance which separates the popliteal depression from the proximal extremity is larger; the shape of this large depression is, however, the same as in the larger femur, and although the articular surfaces above it do show some differences, we know that these characters are not very reliable as they are subject to individual variations.

Circumference of shaft 215 mm."

Habitat: West Madagascar.