Page:Round-about Rambles in Lands of Fact and Fancy, Stockton, 1872.djvu/14

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Morning Singers 158 In a Well 159 The Fraxinella 163 A Company of Bears 165 The Black Bear 167 The Grizzly Bear 168 The White Bear 170 The Tame Bear 171 An old Country-House 172 Ancient Builders 174 The Pine Forest 176 Tree Ferns 178 Tropical Forest 179 The Giant Trees 181 The Great Eastern 182 The Orang-Outang 186 Bridget and the Fairies 189 Flat-Fish 193 Turbots 194 The Sea-Horse 195 The Cuttle-Fish 196 The Polypier 198 Tunnies 199 The Sword-Fish 200 The Shark 201 The Child and the Eagle 202 Climbing the Mountain 204 Andrew and Jenny 207 Wild Asses 211 The Palanquin 214 The Chariot 216 Transformation of Beetles 217 A Battle on Stilts 220 Drawing the Long Bow 223 The Colosseum 226 The Cormorants 228 The Bittern 230 The Pelican 231 The Hoopoe 233 The Falcon 234 The Mummy 236 The Stand 237 The Coffin 237 The Outside Coffin 238 The Sarcophagus 239 The Tame Snake 240 The Novel Team 241 Youngsters Fighting 242 Throwing the Hammer 244 Throwing the Stone 245 Thomas Topham 246 Venetian Acrobats 247 The Tight-Rope 248 The See-Saw 250 The Wild Boar 255

The Musk-Ox and the Sailor 258 Hunting the Brown Bear 259 A Brave Hippopotamus 261 A Rhinocerus Turning the Table 262 A Tiger-Hunt 264 A Fight with a Gorilla 266 The Boot-black's Dog 268 Going after the Cows 271 The Reflective Stag 275 The Mirage 278 Fata Morgana 280 The Spectre of the Brocken 281 A Narrow Street in Pompeii 283 A Cleared Street in Pompeii 285 The Atrium in the House of Pansa 287 Ornaments from Pompeii 290 A Pompeiian Bakery 292 The Amphitheatre of Pompeii 294 The Coachman 297 The Grand Geyser 300 The Artificial Geyser 302 A Giant Puff-ball 303 Tickled by a Straw 305 The Will-o'-the-Wisp 309 The Oak Tree 311 The Sea-Side 315 The Vessels on Shore 317 The Sick Pike 320 The Blossoms 322 Ice-Blossoms 324 Ice-Flowers 325 Ancient Bead 327 Venetian Bottle. 328 German Drinking-Glass 330 Glass Jug 331 Making Bottles 332 Venetian Goblet 333 Modern Goblets 334 The Queen's Mirror 336 Bohemian Goblet 338 French Flagon 339 The Portland Vase 340 The Strange Lady 344 Carl and the Duke 348 The Dominie 350 Wrens' Nests 355 Orioles' Nest 356 Owl's Nests 358 Flamingoes' Nests 359 The little Grebe's Nest 361 The Ostrich-Nest 362 The Stork's Nest 364 A Fish's Nest 366 Throwing the Boomerang 368 The Way the Boomerang Goes 369