Page:Round the Yule Log.djvu/132

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THE SEVEN FATHERS IN THE HOUSE. TurRE was once upon a time a in who was travelling about, and !i e at lengtii to a big and fine lirm t was such a fine mansion that It might well have been a little palace. " It would be a nice thing to get a night's rest here," said the man to himself, when he came inside the gate. Close by stood an old man with grey hair and beard, and chopped wood. " Good evening, father," said the traveller; " can I get lodgings here to-night?" "I am not the father in the house," said the old man, " go into the kitchen and speak to my father I" The traveller went into the kitchen; there he met a man who was still older, and he was lying on his knees in front of the hearth.