Page:Round the Yule Log.djvu/81

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The Giant who had no Heart.

make an end of the giant. Only do as she tells you." Well, Ashiepattle went into the castle, but to tell the truth he felt rather afraid. When he got inside, he found the giant was out ; but in a chamber sat the princess, just as the wolf had said. Such a lovely maiden Ashiepattle had never seen before. " Good heavens ! what has brought you here ? " said the princess, as soon as she saw him. " It's sure to be your death ; no one can kill the giant who lives here, for he hasn't got any heart." — *'But now when I am here, I suppose I had better try my strength with him," said Ashiepattle, " and I must see if I can't release my brothers who are standing outside here, turned into stone, and I will try to save you as well."—" Well, since you will stop^ we must try and do the best we can," said the princess. • You must creep under the bed over there and listen well to what he says when I speak with him, and be sure to lie as quiet as you can." So Ashiepattle crept under the bed, and no sooner had he done so than the giant came home. " Ugh, what a smell of Christian blood there is here," shouted the giant. — "Yes, a magpie flew over the bouse with a man's bone and let it fall down the chimney," said the princess ; ** I made haste to throw it out, but the smell doesn't go away so soon." So the giant said no more about it, and when evening came, they went to bed. When they had lain a while, the princess said : " There is one thing I wanted so very much to ask you about, if I only dared." — >" Well, what can that be ? " asked the giant.-^" I should so like to know where your heart is, since you don't carry it about you," said the princess. —

    • Ob, that's a thing you needn't know anything about," said the

giant, " but if you must know^ it's under the stone slab in front of the door."-— "Ah, ha I we shall soon see if we can't find that," said Ashiepattle to himself under the bed. Next morning the giant got up very early and set out for the wood, but no sooner was he out of sight than Ashiepattle and the princess commenced looking for the heart under the door-slab, but although they dug and searched all they could, they could not find anything. " He has made a fool of me this time," said the