Page:Round the Yule Log.djvu/90

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The Pancake.

pancake, and rolled and rolled on as fast as it could. When it had rolled a long time, it met a duck. "Good day, pancake/* said the duck. " Good day, Ducky Lucky," said the pancake. " My dear pancake, don't roll so fast, but wait a bit and let me eat you," said the duck.

    • When I have run away from Goody Poody and the goodman

and seven squalling children, from Manny Panny, and Henny Penny, and Cocky Locky, I must run away from you too, Ducky Lucky," said the pancake, and with that it fell to rolling and rolling as fast as ever it could. When it had rolled a long, long time, it met a goose. " Good day, pancake," said the goose. " Good day. Goosey Poosey," said the pancake. " My dear pancake, don't roll so fast, but wait a bit and let me eat you," said the goose. " When I have run away from Goody Poody and the goodman and seven squalling children, and Manny Panny, and Henny Penny, and Cocky Locky, and Ducky Lucky, I must run away from you too. Goosey Poosey," said the pancake, and away it rolled. So when it had rolled a long, very long time, it met a gander. " Good day, pancake," said the gander. " Good day, Gander Pander," said the pancake. " My dear pancake, don't roll so fast, but wait a bit and let me eat you," said the gander. " When I have run away from Goody Poody and the goodman and seven squalling children, and from Manny Panny, and Henny Penny, and Cocky Locky, and Ducky Lucky, and Goosey Poosey, I must run away from you too, Gander Pander," said the pancake, and rolled and rolled as fast as it could. When it had rolled on a long, long time, it met a pig. " Good day, pancake," said the pig. " Good day, Piggy Wiggy," said the pancake, and began to roll on faster than ever. Nay, wait a bit," said the pig, "you needn't be in such a hurry- u