Page:Rover Boys Down East.djvu/118

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"Let us ask him to the farm for a week," suggested Sam.

"All right, we will, along with Fred Garrison," answered Dick.

During the afternoon the boys and girls played croquet and took a short ride in the touring car, and had ice-cream and cake served to them under the trees by Aleck Pop. who wore his waiter outfit for the occasion. Then they sat around until it was dark, and after supper the boys brought forth the fireworks.

"Now, be careful," warned both their father and their uncle.

"We will be!" they cried, and set off the pieces from a field where they could not possibly do harm. The girls and the ladies, as well as the men, watched proceedings with interest.

"Oh, how grand!" cried Dora, as the rockets curved gracefully through the air.

"Beautiful!" murmured Grace.

"I could look at fireworks all night!" declared Nellie.

The fireworks came to an end with a set piece called Uncle Sam. It fizzed and flared brightly, showing the well-known face of the old man and the big hat. Then Tom commenced to pull a wire and Uncle Sam took his hat off and put it on.