Page:Rover Boys Down East.djvu/132

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"Tom, you're discovered!" screamed Sam, and then there was a roar of laughter. Hans looked a bit sheepish, but took the fun in good part.

"Put I get square, see of I ton't!" he said, shaking his finger at Tom.

Sunday evening there was a light shower and the boys were much worried, thinking it might keep on raining. But the shower passed by morning and the sun came out bright and clear.

"And now ho! for camp!" cried Sam, "Come on, the sooner we start the better."

An early breakfast was procured, and the camping outfit, consiting of the tent, their fishing and hunting outfits, blankets and extra clothing, and a quantity of food, canned and otherwise, was loaded on the big farm wagon.

"All ready?" asked Dick.

"All ready, so far as I can see," answered Sam.

"Vait! vait!" cried Hans, "I got to get mine ear coferings!" And he ran back into the house.

"Ear coverings?" queried Tom.

"Yes," answered Fred, with a smile. "His mother made him a pair of coverings of mosquito netting, so that ants or other insects couldn't crawl into his ears while he was sleeping."

"Not such a bad idea," said Dick. "But he needed them more in the West Indies than he'll need them here."