Page:Rover Boys Down East.djvu/161

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"Of you can't sthop 'em, ve vos all busted up, so quick like neffer vos!" he bawled.

"They are all right, Hans," answered Sam. 'Let Dick alone, he knows how to handle 'em."

"Ain't da running avay?"


"All right, of you say so," returned Hans, but his face indicated that he thought otherwise.

At last they came in sight of the farm, and drove up to the house by the back way. Their Aunt Martha saw them coming, and ran out to meet them.

"Any more news from the Stanhopes?" asked Dick, quickly.

"Not that I know of," was Mrs. Rover's answer. "Your uncle has gone off to the telegraph office to wait for word from your father."

"I don't think father has reached Cedarville yet," said Sam.

The team was turned over to Aleck Pop and the boys went into the house. There the Rovers read the telegrams which had been received from Mrs. Stanhope. There was also a telegram from John Laning, in which he said he would look into the matter if he could get around, but that he had fallen from the hayloft of his barn and sprained his ankle.

"That will keep him home," said Sam. "Too