Page:Rover Boys Down East.djvu/184

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"Yes, and I know why," answered the owner of the school "I met your father yesterday. Want to go to the Stanhope place?"


"Then come with me, I have my carriage here, and my best team, and I'll take pleasure in driving you there."

"You are very kind," answered Tom. "My! I almost feel as if I was going back to the school!"

"I'd be glad to have you back, Thomas."

"In spite of my pranks, Captain?" and Tom grinned.

"Yes, in spite of your pranks," answered Captain Putnam, promptly.

"And to think we are after Josiah Crabtree!" murmured Sam. "How time changes things!"

"I trust you catch him, and catch that Tad Sobber, too," answered Captain Putnam, gravely.

The team was a spirited one, and the captain knew well how to handle them. Away they flew, through the village and then out on the smooth road leading to the Stanhope place. Dick relapsed into silence. He was thinking of Dora and of the girl's missing mother.