Page:Rover Boys Down East.djvu/194

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"I didn't have nuthin' to do with it—you can't mix me up in it!" cried Tony Carew, as soon as Dick stated the object of his visit. "I didn't tech the lady!" And he bobbed his head vigorously. Evidently he was a man easily scared.

"I want to learn if you know anything about it," returned Dick, sternly. "If you do, tell me."

"I didn't tech the lady! I wouldn't tech nobuddy!" howled Tony Carew.

"Did you see her and the men?"

"Yes—but I didn't tech nobuddy, I tell you. I stayed in the barn."

"But you saw her!" cried Dick. "Where did she go? Or where did those men take her?"

"The hull crowd got in a carriage wot was waitin' down the road."

"Whose carriage?"

"I dunno. They had a white hoss an' a black boss, an' the carriage had the top kinder torn."

"Who was driving?"

"A man with a linen duster, an' a cap pulled away down over his face."

"Which way did they go?"

"That way," answered Tony Carew, and pointed to a side road leading eastward.