Page:Rover Boys Down East.djvu/214

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is some relation to Tad, I feel sure. Maybe she is the one who advanced him some money."

"And maybe she is the woman seen in the auto with Mrs. Stanhope," added Tom, quickly.

"I shouldn't be surprised."

"If you are sure of all this, hadn't we better notify the police?" came from Sam. "Remember, we have not only Tad Sobber against us, but also old Crabtree, and one or two unknown men. In a hand-to-hand fight we might get the worst of it"

"That's a good idea, Sam. Run up to the cor ner and see if you can find a policeman," said Dick.

"I guess I know how to get to the rear of that building," mused Tom. "I'll go through that alleyway and jump the fences," and he pointed to an alleyway several houses away.

"All right, Tom. You do that, and I'll get in the front way somehow. I'm not going to wait another minute. They may have seen us already, and be getting out by some way of which we know nothing."

Thus speaking, Dick mounted the porch and rapped loudly on the door with his bare knuckles. Tom ran off and disappeared down the alleyway he had pointed out.

Dick listened and then rapped again, this time