Page:Rover Boys Down East.djvu/216

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"Hush! hush!" interrupted the woman, in agitated tones. "Not another word, Mr. Mason. You are too old to understand. Leave it all to me. I will soon send that fellow outside about his business."

"This is my house, and I want to know what is going on here!" shrilled the old man, and Dick heard him tottering across the floor. "I'll open the door myself."

"No! no! not yet!" answered the woman.

"Mr. Mason, I want to come in!" cried Dick loudly. "There has been a crime committed. If you don't want to be a party to it, open the door."

"A crime," faltered the old man.

"Yes, a crime. Open the door at once!"

"No, no, you—er—you shall not!" stormed the woman, and Dick heard her shove the old man back.

"Mr. Mason, for the last time, will you let me in?" shouted Dick.

"Yes! yes!" answered the old man. "But Mrs. Sobber won't let me open the door."

"Then I'll open it myself," answered Dick, and hurled his weight against the barrier. It was old and dilapidated and gave way with ease; and a moment later Dick stepped into the hallway of the old house.