Page:Rover Boys Down East.djvu/221

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going into the house, and see if I can find out anything."

"Maybe Mrs. Stanhope is in there," cried Sam.

"No—they have taken her off in an auto, I am almost sure of it, Sam."

The three Rover boys entered the old house, to find Mr. Mason walking nervously up and down in the parlor.

"Where is Mrs. Sobber?" he asked anxiously.

"I imagine she has ran away," answered Dick. He drew a long breath. "Mr. Mason, I am going to ask you some questions. If you wish to avoid trouble with the authorities, you will answer me directly and truthfully."

"Yes! Yes! I felt that something was wrong!" cried the old man. "I want no trouble, I am too old and respectable. What is it all about?"

"Briefly, a lady has been abducted and a fortune has been stolen."

"Oh, then the lady they said was—er—insane, was not insane at all."

"Did they tell you she was insane?"

"Yes, that is what Mrs. Sobber and one of the men said. They said they were going to take her to a private asylum."

"The villains!" burst out Tom.

"What asylum?"