Page:Rover Boys Down East.djvu/51

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Now, you promised to turn over a new leaf and on the strength of that we went to Doctor Wallington and persuaded him to give you another chance. It isn't fair for you to go back on your word, and take up with Koswell and Larkspur again."

"Are you going to tell the doctor that I met them?" asked Flockley, in alarm.

"No—at least, not for the present. But I want you to promise to drop that pair."

"I have dropped them—that is, as much as I can."

"Then why do you meet them?"

"I'll tell you why!" burst out the dudish student, bitterly. "Because I can't drop them altogether. They know everything of what happened as well as I do, and they said if I dropped them entirely—refused to help them—they would expose me to the whole world! If they should tell my folks——" Flockley did not finish, but his head sunk on his breast, and Dick and Tom understood.

"It's too bad—a burning shame!" murmured Tom. "Flockley, I am sorry from the bottom of my heart!"

"I don't think I would take their threats too seriously," said Dick. "They are down and out,