Page:Rover Boys Down East.djvu/65

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"I don't see how he can blame us, Sam."

"Well, in one way, we had no right to set off the fireworks."

"Indeed! And why not, on the last day of the term, I'd like to know? The doctor saw us, and he didn't say anything about stopping."

"I really think it was Professor Sharp's fault," said Allen Charter, who had been standing near. "He certainly ran right into the midst of the lighted fireworks. I saw him do it."

"Will you say a word for us, Charter, if we are reported to the Head?" asked Tom.


"And so will I," added Stanley.

"And I—if you won't make me carry that horrid broom any longer," lisped William Philander Tubbs.

"Say, I guess I'm as much to blame as any body!" came from Spud, who had followed Asa Sharp from the college building. And then he told of what had happened between himself, Filbury and the instructor.

"I doubt if you hear any more about it," said Charter. And he was practically right. The subject was barely mentioned by Doctor Wellington, and neither Tom nor Sam were censured for what had occurred. And that was fair, for the Rover boys had really not been to blame.