Page:Rover Boys at College.djvu/314

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THE AVIATION SERIES By JOHN PRENTICE LANGLEY Here is an intensely exciting series on a topic of world- wide interest Aviation. Every day one hears of new stunts accomplished by pilots. With the passing of each year new records in altitude and long distance are made. In these stories Amos Green and his chum, Danny Cooper, accomplish all the thrilling deeds of the air that have been done before only by hardened veterans. Moreover, backed by the mysterious " Mr. Carstairs " they succeed in doing stunts new to the history of aviation. You'll find them vastly exciting. TRAIL BLAZERS OF THE SKIES SPANNING THE PACIFIC MASTERS THE AIR-LANES THE PATHFINDER'S GREAT FLIGHT AIR VOYAGERS OF THE ARCTIC DESERT HAWKS ON THE WING CHASING THE SETTING SUN BRIDGING THE SEVEN SEAS THE STAIRCASE OF THE WIND GROSSET & DUNLAP, PUBLISHERS, NEW YORK