Page:Rover Boys in Camp.djvu/101

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"Dick!" he exclaimed. "Are you badly hurt?"

"I—I don't know," was the slow reply. "How are you?"

"I'm all right?"

"Where are Flapp and the rest?"

"They ran away."

"And Harry and Joe?"

"They are waiting for us, down at the turn in the road."

Dick put his hand to his head, to find a big lump directly back of the ear. His ear was cut, and there was a scratch on his chin.

"They didn't fight fair," he explained, when he felt a little stronger. "They kicked me when I was down."

Aided by Powell he made his way to a pump and there bathed his head and procured a drink of water.

While both boys were recovering from the ad venture all the lights in Mike Sherry's resort were put out and every door and window was locked.

"He wants to steer clear of trouble," said Powell.

"I put the blame on Lew Flapp," answered Dick. "To my mind he is about as mean as any boy around here."

"Of course we can't report him, Dick."