Page:Rover Boys in Camp.djvu/115

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"If that is so, it's more than likely he thinks we are responsible for Dan being left behind on the island."

"I'm not going to bother my head about Arnold Baxter," put in Sam. "If he shows himself I'll have him arrested, that's all."

One day after another slipped by and all of the boys continued to study with a will. Once they received long letters from Dora Stanhope and Nellie and Grace Laning, and sent long letters in return.

"Wish the girls were, back here," said Dick. But this could not be, as they had decided to remain in California for a while longer, and the boys had to content themselves by sending the girls keepsakes by which to be remembered.

On the Friday afternoon preceding the final week of the term Tom and Sam walked down to the lake, intending to go out in a boat for a short row.

As they drew close to the boathouse they heard loud talking and then a cry of pain.

"Please don't," came in the voice of a young cadet. "Please, please don't, Flapp!"

"But I just will, you little imp!" came in Lew Flapp's harsh voice. "I'll teach you to play the sneak!"

"But I—I didn't mean to do anything, really