Page:Rover Boys in Camp.djvu/127

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"Hullo, hurt yourself?" asked Pender, as he came in.

"Yes, I fell over a boat down at the boathouse," answered the big boy.

"Is that so? I heard something of a fight, and came up to see about it."

"Oh, I had a row with Harry Moss and Tom Rover, but it didn't amount to much, Gus. But, say, I just wish I could square up with Dick Rover, and Tom, too!"

"You said something like that before."

"I'm going to watch my chances."

"Perhaps something will turn up during the encampment."

"Yes, I was thinking of that. A fellow has more of a chance in camp than he does in school."

"It would be a fine thing to get Dick Rover into trouble and make him lose his position as captain," went on Gus Pender.

"Yes, and make Tom Rover lose his position as lieutenant, too," added Flapp.

The term at Putnam Hall was now drawing to a close and it was not long before the semi-annual examinations began. All of the Rovers worked hard over their papers, and with more or less success. Sam came out at the top of his class, while Tom stood third in his grade, and Dick third in a still higher class. The boys lost no time in