Page:Rover Boys in Camp.djvu/151

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"I bet a dollar even first, and then, when I felt certain you would win, I gave him odds of five to one. I was a chump."

"Well, I did my best honestly I did," returned Jackson, who hated to have his crony lose.

"I ought to make you pay me back."

"I'd do it if I had the money," said Jackson. He rarely had money in his pocket, spending everything as fast as received.

"Well, that is one more we owe that crowd," observed Flapp with increased bitterness.

When Jackson was dressed he and Flapp took themselves to another part of the camp, and there met Pender, Rockley, and Ben Hurdy.

"Let us take a walk," said Jackson. "I am sick of staying around where the others can stare at me."

"Come with me," put in Pender. "I have found something I want to show you."

"A gold mine, perhaps," said Flapp. "I need one just now. Betting on Jackson nearly cleaned me out."

"It's no gold mine, but it may prove useful to us," answered the other cadet.

The crowd started off, and Pender led the way through the woods and partly around the rocky hill in the center of the island.

"I ran into it quite by accident," he said.