Page:Rover Boys in Camp.djvu/186

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"Oh, be careful," said Alice. "That bull will try to kill you."

"We'll look out for ourselves," answered Dick, and picked up a bit of fence rail lying near. "Did he chase you far?"

"From that lot yonder," answered Helen.

The bull had turned toward the fence, and watching his chance, Dick struck out with the bit of rail. His aim was good and the animal re ceived a sharp blow directly across the nostrils. Then Sam and Tom let fly more stones, and the bull was hit in the mouth, the leg, and the side. He stood his ground for a moment and then began to retreat.

"Hurrah! we've got him on the run!" cried Tom. "Give it to him!" and he let go another stone, which hit the bull in the tail and made him throw up his rear hoofs in a most alarming fashion.

"You had better come over into the lot!" said one of the girls. "He may come back."

"Here comes Mr. Klem with a pitchfork," said the other.

A farmer was rushing down the road, with a pitchfork in one hand and a rope in the other. He ran up to the bull and slipped the rope over the animal's neck. Then he tied the creature to a tree.