Page:Rover Boys in Camp.djvu/189

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"We are very thankful to you," said Alice and Helen, almost in a breath.

"You are welcome to the little I did," returned Dick.

"It was fun to pelt the old bull with rocks," put in Tom. "I'll do as much for you any time," and this caused a laugh.

Isaac Klem went off to drive his bull home and the girls also prepared to depart.

"When you are coming back this way you can stop at our house if you wish," said Alice Staton. "It's the yellow one with honeysuckle growing over the porch."

"I remember it," said Sam. "Thank you," and the others also gave thanks for the invitation. A moment later the two parties separated.

"What a difference between those cadets and the ones we met at the store," said Helen to her twin sister when they were out of hearing.

"Yes, indeed," said Alice. "The Rovers are gentlemen, while those at the store were—were rude."

"Two nice girls," declared Tom. "How much alike their faces are!"

"Tom is smitten," cried Sam. "Going to forget all about Nellie Laning, Tom?" he went on quizzically.

"Oh, you needn't talk!" cried Tom, growing