Page:Rover Boys in Camp.djvu/198

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and his brother nodded to show that he understood.

Both sides were glaring at each other. The strain was beginning to tell, but so far nobody had thought of letting up in the least.

But now Tom saw two of Rockley's men "getting their wind" as it is called. They still held on to the rope, but were hardly pulling at all.

"Up!" cried Tom suddenly, and his men went up like a flash. "Down!" came the cry, an instant later, and down they went, before Rockley's men could recover.

"Hurrah! the Rovers have gained four inches!" came the shout. And then those who favored that team set up a cheer.

It was true, the rope had shifted over four inches. Rockley was angry, but could do nothing.

"Mind yourselves, Wilson and Brady!" he whispered. "Don't let up a minute."

"I didn't let up," growled Wilson. "It was Chambers."

"Not much! " growled Chambers. "I wasn't——"

"Up!" cried Tom again. "Down! Up! Pull, pull! pull! Down!"

Up and down went the team twice, the second