Page:Rover Boys in Camp.djvu/206

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now came to another turn in Bass Lake. Just beyond this was a small sandy beach, backed up by a mass of rocks and brushwood.

"That looks like a good place for a swim," said Powell, forgetting all about his so-called poetry.

"Suits me," returned Tom. "Let's pull ashore and tie the boat fast, and I'll put up——"

"A peanut reward for the first fellow in," finished Fred. "Caught you that time, Tom, just as you caught Songbird with his doggerel."

As happy as any boys could be, the four cadets tied up their boat. In doing this one started to splash in the water, followed by another, and as a consequence before the cutting-up came to a finish the seats of the craft were pretty well wetted.

"Never mind," said Tom. "They'll soon dry in the sun. We can put our clothes on the rocks."

The boys were soon in the water and having a most glorious time. The lake was fairly deep off the end of the boat and here they took turns at diving. Fred and Songbird also went in for a race, the former coming in only a few feet ahead.

"I guess we had better dress now and try our hand at fishing," said Sam after nearly an hour had passed.