Page:Rover Boys in Camp.djvu/218

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"Do you mean to tell me that you saw Arnold Baxter?" exclaimed Dick, after listening to Sam and Tom's story.

"We did," replied the youngest Rover.

"There was no mistake?"

"If it wasn't Arnold Baxter do you think he would take such pains to get out of our reach?" asked Tom.

"That is true, Tom. But it seems so unnatural. What can he be doing in this out-of-the-way place?"

"As Powell says, he must be keeping out of the reach of the law. Perhaps he expects to keep shady until this affair blows over."

"As if it would blow over!" cried Sam. "Dick, we ought to do something."

Captain Putnam had already learned why the four cadets had been late in returning to camp. The Rovers now went to consult him further.

"I agree, something should be done," said the captain. "Perhaps you had better go to the