Page:Rover Boys in Camp.djvu/220

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turned away from Oakville and made their way to the Staton farmhouse.

"Hullo! I didn't expect to see you again to-day!" exclaimed Munro Staton, as he opened the door for them. "Come in."

They entered, to find the girls sewing and Mrs. Staton darning stockings. Mr. Staton had been reading his favorite weekly newspaper.

"We have come on a very important errand, Mr. Staton," began Dick. "We have been down to Oakville and learned there that you are the local police officer."

"Ah! Do you want somebody arrested?"

"If it can be done."

"Somebody at the camp?" put in Helen.

"No, I wish he was at the camp," said Tom. "But I'm afraid he is miles away."

All of the Statons were interested and listened to the tale Tom and Dick had to tell with close attention.

"Seems to me I've heard of this Baxter and his son," said Munro Staton, scratching his head. "How does he look?"

As well as he was able Tom described the man, while Dick took a sheet of paper and a pencil and made a rough but life-like sketch of the individual.

"Why, you are quite an artist!" said Alice