Page:Rover Boys in Camp.djvu/249

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Black Skulls, but never into the Order of Red Skulls. Wonder what they will want me to do?"

There was a moment of silence and one of the masked cadets stepped to the front.

"Prisoner, are you prepared to meet your doom?" was the question put in a harsh voice.

"Oh, chestnuts!" cried Dick. "I went through that long ago, when I first came to Putnam Hall."

"Bow to your superiors," said another voice.

"Where are the superiors?" asked Dick innocently. "I don't see 'em."

"The prisoner is impertinent! Make him bow!"

At once several sprang behind Dick and forced him to move his head up and down.

"Let up, my head isn't on a hinge!" he cried. "Cut it short, for I'm sleepy."

"Make him drink the poison and at once!" put in another of the masked cadets.

The speaker tried to disguise his tones, but the voice sounded much like that of Lew Flapp and instantly Dick was on the alert.

"How much do you want me to drink?" he asked cheerfully.

"Only one glass, if you drink it without stopping to sneeze," put in another voice, and now Dick was certain that he recognized Rockley.