Page:Rover Boys in Camp.djvu/26

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eyes on him. Suah as yo' am born he'll turn up some day to make moah trouble."

"Well, if he turns up we'll be ready for him," returned Tom grimly.

"How can yo' be ready fo' a pusson wot acts like a snake in de grass? He'll sting befo' yo hab de chance to spot him."

"We'll have to keep our eyes open, Aleck," answered the youth; and then the subject was changed.

During those days the boys went fishing and bathing in the river, and also visited Humpback Falls, that spot where Sam had had such a thrilling adventure, as related in "The Rover Boys at School."

"What a lot has happened since those days," said Sam, taking a deep breath. "Tom, do you remember how you got into trouble with old Crabtree the very first day we landed at Putnam Hall?"

"I do, Sam; and do you remember our first meeting, on the boat, with Dan Baxter, and how we sent him about his business when he tried to annoy Nellie, and Grace, and Dora?"

"Yes, indeed. Say, I am getting anxious to get back to the Hall. It seems almost like a second home."

"So am I," put in Dick. "Besides, we have