Page:Rover Boys in Camp.djvu/276

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said Captain Putnam. "I thought I had about seen the last of Daniel Baxter."

"Perhaps Dan Baxter will keep shady when he finds out what has happened."

"Perhaps. And you think Arnold Baxter is in a bad way?"

"Yes, sir. He came pretty close to being burnt up."

"We will do our best for him, and notify the authorities without delay."

An hour later the disabled man was brought into camp and the doctor came to attend him.

Under the physician's directions Arnold Baxter was made fairly comfortable in one of the tents of the camp.

"He is in a bad way," said the doctor. "He will probably recover, but it will take weeks and perhaps months."

Arnold Baxter asked for Dick and the eldest Rover went in to see him.

"I—I want to thank you for what you did, Rover," said the criminal in a low voice. "It—it was noble, very noble. I shan't forget it."

"Mr. Baxter, why don't you try to turn over a new leaf?" questioned Dick. "Haven't you found out that it doesn't pay to be bad?"

"Yes, I have found it out, and the lesson has been dearly bought," said Arnold Baxter with a