Page:Rover Boys in Camp.djvu/47

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"Den vot you vos giggling apout, hey?"

"Nothing, only it was so funny to be a Robinson Rooster and live on a big island with nobody but lions, buffaloes, snakes, and 'cannonballs,'" added the fun-loving youth.

"Cannonballs?" queried Larry

"That's what Aleck Pop calls 'em, Larry. He said it was a wonder the 'cannonballs' hadn't eaten us up," and then came another laugh, during which Hans was as mute as ever.

"Vos dere lions, snakes, and buffaloes py dot island on?" went on the German youth.

"To be sure there were, Hans. And likewise elephants, panthers, cats, dogs, hippopotamuses, mice, elk, rats, and winged jibberjackers."

"Mine gracious, Tom! Und you vosn't eaten up alretty kvick!"

"None of the animals troubled us, but the three-horned jibberjacker. He came into our house one night, crawled upstairs, and began to swallow Sam alive."

"You ton't tole me!"

"Yes, I do tell you. He had Sam in his mouth, and had swallowed him as far as his waist, when Sam began to kick on the floor with his feet."

"I see, I see——" Hans' eyes were as big as saucers.

"That woke Dick and me up, and we ran and