Page:Rover Boys in Camp.djvu/55

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George Granbury. "Nothing short of a cyclone will ever stop Songbird's warbling, eh, Songbird?"

For reply the youth addressed turned a pair of dreamy eyes on the speaker, and then said slowly:

"With hopeful hearts
And brightest faces,
To school we go
To fill our places.
We'll study hard,
And do our best——"

"If Songbird Powell
Will give us a rest!"

finished Tom. "Oh, Songbird, have mercy on us, and don't begin so early."

"You're a good one to preach, Tom," came from Larry. "Started to joke the moment we met him, didn't he, Hans?"

"Did I? " questioned Tom innocently. "I had forgotten." He turned to Tubbs. "And how is our friend Philliam Willander to-day?"

"William Philander, if you please, Rover," was the dignified reply. "I must insist on your getting my name correctly this term."

"All right, Tubby, old boy, it shall be just as you say. I wouldn't hurt your feelings for a big red apple."

"Then, please don't call me Tubby. You know my real name is William Philander Tubbs."