Page:Rover Boys in Camp.djvu/66

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Only a little talking was allowed throughout the meal, but at its conclusion the cadets were given an hour off, in which time they could do very much as they pleased. In that hour some played games, others took walks, and not a few drifted over to the gymnasium, which stood at one corner of the grounds.

"I'm going over to the gym," said Dick to Larry Colby. "Want to go along?"

"Certainly, was the prompt answer. "I am going in for gymnastics this term, Dick."

"Want to win some of the prizes when we have our contests?"

"If I can."

"I don't see why you shouldn't, Larry. You seem to be in first-class shape physically."

"I am going to try hard, Dick."

They were soon in the building, and Larry slipped off to the dressing room to don his gymnasium suit.

While Dick was waiting for his friend to reappear he looked on at the efforts of the other cadets present. Some were on the rings and bars, others were using the parallel bars and horses, and still others were at the pulling and lifting machines. In one corner two of the boys were boxing, while another was hammering a punching bag as hard as he could.