Page:Rover Boys in Camp.djvu/96

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"No," answered both of the small cadets promptly.

"I didn't wish to come at all, but Ben Hurdy urged it," continued Harry Moss.

"And Pender said it would do no harm," added Joe Davis. "He said we were going to have nothing but sandwiches, root beer, and soda."

"Look here, Davis, you keep your mouth shut!" cried Pender. "You knew exactly what to expect. You know Mike Sherry don't run a temperance hotel," he continued, with a sneer.

At these words Joe Davis grew pale.

"Yes, I know it—now, and if I ever get out of it, I shan't come again."

"Oh, you're too good to live!" broke in Jackson. "You ought to be laid away in a glass case for safe keeping."

"Davis is all right, and he has more brains than you, Jackson," came from Dick. "If you want to make a fool of yourself by drinking and smoking, I shan't stop you. But you shan't drag Joe and Harry into it against their will."

"That's the way to talk, Dick," said Powell. "Let us clear out, and take the youngsters with us."

By this time Lew Flap had recovered from the flooring received and now he approached Dick once more.