Page:Rover Boys in New York.djvu/289

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are still at the apartment house—and I hope they are."

At last the elevated train reached the proper station and Dick and Baxter alighted. The latter led the way for a distance of two blocks.

"There is the apartment," said Baxter, pointing the building out. "If you want those men arrested, hadn't you better call a policeman or two?"

"I can do that later,—after I have spotted them," answered Dick.

A colored man ran the elevator. He had often seen Dan and knew him.

"The gentlemen you mean went up to the fourth floor—to the apartment that was rented last week."

"May I ask who rented it?" asked Dick.

"A lawyer, sah—a Mr. Fogg. He's got a queer first name."


"That's it, sah; Belright Fogg."

"Just as I thought," murmured Dick. "They didn't go out, did they?"

"I don't think they did. I didn't see 'em, and I don't think they would go downstairs without using the elevator, although they could use the stairs."

"Which apartment is it?"