Page:Rover Boys in the Air.djvu/137

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time the Dartaway came closer and circled slowly over the main college building and the broad campus.

"Look! look!" cried several of the students. "What are they up to?"

From the bottom of the craft had suddenly burst a cluster of red, white and blue tissue-paper streamers. These floated under and behind the Dartaway, producing a beautiful effect. Then suddenly came floating down through the air a quantity of many-colored confetti tiny bits of pretty paper that settled everywhere.

"The Rover boys!" cried the teacher who had brought out his spyglass. "They are the three Rover boys!"

"The Rover boys!" cried Songbird Powell, who stood near. "Are you sure?"


"Hurrah!" shouted Stanley Browne. "Now, isn't that just like them? Always up to something new and original."

"Three cheers for the Rover boys!" called out one of the seniors. And the cheers were given with a will, while the Dartaway continued for some time to float over the college grounds and then came settling down like some big white bird, in the very center of the campus.