Page:Rover Boys in the Mountains.djvu/192

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"You are quite sure it has never been removed?"

"How can we be sure, when we don't know anything about it."

"Baxter says your brother Dick has a map."

"Hasn't Baxter a map, too?" questioned Sam.

"Something of a map, yes, but it is not very complete."

"I'm glad to hear that," said Tom quickly.

"But Baxter claims the treasure for himself."

"Really?" said Sam sarcastically. "Well, let him claim what he pleases. If we find it, it will belong to us—don't forget that."

Again there was a pause. Jasper Grinder looked anxiously toward the outer cave, to see if Baxter or the guide were watching him. But the two were talking earnestly between themselves.

"I have a plan," began the former teacher of Putnam Hall, in a low voice, "a plan to aid you."

"What plan?" demanded Tom.

"Hush! not so loud—or they may hear you. I presume you know what sort of a fellow Baxter is?"

"Well, rather," said Sam dryly.

"He is planning to do you a great deal of harm. Now I think I can save you."